· Accommodation and ultra all inclusive will be provided to from the April 10th (lunch) to April 23th (breakfast).
· Every participant accepted as additional (extra) player and all accompanying persons have to make their registration and bookings through the Organizing Committee.
· Lodging for additional extra players and accompanying persons will cost (upon availability):
Aska Lara ***** (for 13 days 10th April check in- April 23th check out)
Single room: 90 € Euros per person per day with ultra all inclusive (3 meals plus including free drinks 24 hours, additional meals & snacks) Double room: 70 € Euros per person per day with ultra all inclusive (3 meals plus including free drinks 24 hours, additional meals & snacks)
· Rooms will be booked on the principle of FCFS (First Come First Served).
· Reservations and an amount of 50% for accommodation (loging and meals) must be made before 10th March 2019 ( registration deadline). This amount is non - refundable.
. Full payment for hotel accommodation (lodging and meals) must be completed before 01st of April 2019.
Payments for accommodation must be deposit at the following bank account: Bank: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Branch Name: Ankara Bank Swift Code (BIC): ISBKTRISXXX
Account holder name: Turkiye Satranc Federasyonu Account number (IBAN): TR50 0006 4000 0024 2003 8810 23
Accomodation Form